This post is from one of several previous incarnations of this site and probably doesn’t quite fit the current format. In a former life this was a group blog and a tumblelog before it became a static jekyll site. If anything looks broken or is worded oddly that could be why. Pardon the dust.
In the pub on friday the subject of geek pilgrimages cropped up. Trips to MIT, One Infinite Loop, the Googleplex, that sort of thing. I’ve yet to partake myself, but I can definitely see the appeal.
In a similar vein, I mentioned Code Rush, only to be met by blank looks all round.
A documentary from the close of the nineties, about crunch time at Netscape in the run-up to the release of Mozilla. If you haven’t seen it and those words evoke anything for you, then you should. Jamie Zawinski, Brendan Eich, history, pathos, what more do you need?
(Credit due to Andy Baio who was fairly instrumental a year or two ago in re-kindling interest in the film and inspiring the film-makers to re-release it under a Creative Commons license.)