Old content

This post is from one of several previous incarnations of this site and probably doesn’t quite fit the current format. In a former life this was a group blog and a tumblelog before it became a static jekyll site. If anything looks broken or is worded oddly that could be why. Pardon the dust.

A lick of paint and some new furniture

If you’re reading this in its native environment, rather than by way of an RSS reader, then you might notice things looking slightly different.

I did some work on the site a month or so ago and just got around to putting it live. Nothing spectacular, just a small layout re-jig, turning the volume down on the header bar and making room for a new library section on the front page.

I’d been using, and liking, LibraryThing but hit the 200 books pay-wall and didn’t really feel like forking over the cash for it. I’ve also since signed up for Readernaut, which has seen some hype, but doesn’t really work for me, and am aware of sites like Good Reads and All Consuming, but find them a bit lacking.

I want two things from a library/consumption site: to list my stuff (not just books, and not necessarily physical products), and to find more stuff. The current offerings either seem to get lost in the social aspects (Readernaut & All Consuming) or bogged down in too much data (LibraryThing).

Anyway, the site now has a library (sticking to books for now). It’s far from finished, and may never be, but better to put up what was there than have it languishing on my laptop for any longer.